Surf Co Shortboard Nose Guard - White
Product ID# 1519015We'll beat any lower price by 10%
Designed to protect the surfer from injuries and protect the surfboard from dings, Surf Co nose and tail guards are easy to apply using a peel and stick application.
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Prices and Availability
The chart provides price, UPC, and availability data.
In Stock - ships immediately
Out of Stock - we may get more but it is not currently on order with the manufacturer
Backordered - we have the product on order with the manufacturer and expect to ship the product by the date indicated
Sold Out - we are sold out and will not receive any more
You can still order a backordered item. It will simply ship when we receive the item from the manufacturer. Or you can choose to be notified when we get more in stock by selecting the Notify Me link in the Notify column. That way we will email you when we receive more and have fulfilled all backorders.
SKU | MPN | UPC | Condition | Price | Status | Notify |
460923 | SURTS | 700630001292 | New | $16.45 | Out of Stock | Notify Me |