Military Support

We send donations to military and veteran causes.

So shop with us knowing that your order makes the giving possible.


I'm a veteran. My brothers are veterans. And, perhaps like you, I know several active duty military members and veterans. Their issues are important to me. That's why helps fund their causes.

To that end, makes periodic donations to military and veteran philanthropies. The specific beneficiaries change over time - see the list of past donations below - but I always try to select organizations that fund veteran care and/or active duty military welfare.

So take a moment and share a link to on Facebook, Twitter, or in an email. I promise to distribute funds to organizations that are making a difference. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Warm Regards,

Adam C. Swiecki

PS. Here's an image of a much younger me getting promoted in the late 90's.

A much younger me getting promoted

Donation History

November 8th, 2024 - We made our second donation to the Big Fish Foundation sending $200 to Brian and the team. On behalf of our employees and customers, thanks for your work to help support our veterans. Happy Veterans Day!

May 22nd, 2024 - Because we haven't donated in awhile, we upped our donation to $400 and sent it to the All Secure Foundation. I learned of the organization while listening to a great Shawn Ryan podcast with Chris Vanzant. The All Secure Foundation assists Special Operations Active Duty and Combat Veterans, and their families, in recovery of Post-Traumatic Stress through education, awareness, resources for healing, marriage retreats, and PTS resiliency training. Thanks to our customers for making the donation possible. Happy Memorial Day!

November 9th, 2023 - We donated $200 to Hives for Heros. I've kept bees and found it extremely rewarding (until the colony left). Hives for Heros says that our donation is, "an investment in the shared journey of veterans finding purpose, communities growing stronger, and nature thriving." I like it. Thanks to our customers for making the donation possible. Happy Veterans Day!

May 25th, 2023 - We donated $200 to the COMMIT Foundation in loving memory of a friend that I spent countless hours with while at West Point. The COMMIT Foundation provides high-touch support for soldiers trying to start a new life while transitioning out of the military. I'll be thinking of him this Memorial Day weekend.

March 10th, 2023 - We donated $200 to ship a pallet of popcorn to the troops. Boy Scouts from across the country collected roughly 480,000 bags of popcorn for Soldiers' Angels to ship to Service Members and Veterans during their Popcorn for the Troops campaign. Who doesn't like popcorn?

November 2nd, 2022 - We're overdue for a donation so donated $200 to the Non Commission Officers Association on behalf of our employees and customers. It will help with their mission to represent the voice of our 17.9 million Enlisted Veterans, and 1.8 million Enlisted Service Members who serve or have served in our Armed Forces. Do you have any suggestions for future donations? If so, please contact us.

May 27th, 2022 - I can't believe it's Memorial Day Weekend already! In honor of our Veterans, donated $200 to the Freedom Service Dogs of America on behalf of our employees and customers. We've seen service dogs do amazing things for Veterans. Thanks for making the donation possible and have a safe and happy Memorial Day.

February 17th, 2022 - Today donated $200 to the Best Defense Foundation on behalf of our employees and customers. The Best Defense Foundation is trying to, 'Take care of ones who took care of us'. Thanks for making the donation possible.

November 11th, 2021 - It's Veterans Day! Thanks to all who serve and have served. Today donated $200 to the Disabled American Veterans charity on behalf of our employees and customers. Thanks for making it possible.

August 20th, 2021 - This afternoon we gave $200 to the Gary Sinise Foundation to help their efforts to support the mental health of our current and former service members. It's unquestionably a difficult time for those associated with the Afghan war. Thank you, our customers, for making the donation possible.

May 25th, 2021 - My favorite Holiday is here again. Happy Memorial Day! Our new teammate donates to the Colorado Wounded Vet Run so we decided to do the same. We sent $200 on behalf of our employees and customers. Thank you for making it all possible.

March 2nd, 2021 - We donated $200 to the US for Warriors Foundation. Their all-volunteer crew helps warriors, past and present, live stronger lives. Thank you shoppers for making the donation possible.

November 9th, 2020 - In honor of Veterans Day we donated $200 to the Robin's Nest Foundation in Castle Rock, Colorado. Their mission is to empower teens and veterans through equine (horse) interactions. Thank you customers and employees for making the donation possible.

September 4th, 2020 - Labor Day is here. Summer is (unofficially) over and I'm sad to see it go. But donating $200 to the Big Fish Foundation - an organization that is "Renewing Esprit within Veterans through connection" - puts a smile on my face. Thanks to our customers for your trust, our employees for your tireless work, and Josh Bridges for bringing the Foundation to my attention.

May 22nd, 2020 - In honor of Memorial Day and Vincent – a team member joining the Navy in a few weeks - we donated $200 to the Admiral Nimitz Foundation. Thanks for your service Vincent!

February 14th, 2020 - I searched for a Valentine's Day related gift for veterans and I found Soldiers' Angels. Apparently they help send Valentine's Day cards to members of our Armed Forces. So we donated $200. As Soldiers' Angels says, "May no soldier go unloved". Have a great Valentine’s Day and thanks for your patronage.

November 5th, 2019 - In honor of Veterans Day, we donated $150 to the Team Never Quit Foundation on behalf of our customers and employees. I saw TNQ is taking collections to make gift boxes for deployed troops. With any luck someone will receive something that makes them feel appreciated.

August 23rd, 2019 - I saw a video about the Warriors Heart program which provides PTSD, addiction, and chemical dependency treatment for active military, veterans, and first responders. We sent them $200 on behalf of our employees and customers.

May 24th, 2019 - Happy Memorial Day Weekend! It might be my favorite weekend of the year. For this year's Memorial Day donation we sent $200 to Fallen Patriots. Honoring the fallen by helping provide college for their children seems fitting this time of year. Thanks for making the donation possible this year and every year.

April 24, 2019 - No need to wait until Memorial Day. Today we made a $200 donation to the Gary Sinise Foundation on behalf of our customers. Thank you for making donations like this possible.

January 31, 2019 - My family recently got our first dog and the joy she brings to my wife and girls has been remarkable. Thinking that maybe a dog can provide the same joy to a Veteran, we donated $150 to Pets for Vets on behalf of our customers.

October 15, 2018 - We donated $150 to the Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals to help them increase sustainable homeownership, VA loan awareness, and economic opportunity for the military and veteran communities.

July 20, 2018 - On behalf of customers and employees, we donated $100 to the LT Michael P. Murphy Scholarship Foundation after seeing a Tweet about the organization.

May 23, 2018 - We donated $200 to The Heros Project to help their mission of empowering injured war veterans through physical and emotional training. Thanks to Tim Kennedy for making me aware of the organization. Happy Memorial Day!

February 9, 2018 - We donated $94 to the United States Military Academy on behalf of our customers.

December 5, 2017 - I found the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes through a Twitter post regarding Rob Jones' Month of Marathons. So we donated $150 on behalf of our customers. Enjoy the holidays.

October 10, 2017 - I just ran across The Fisher House - they provide military families with housing close to a loved one during hospitalization. We sent $200 on behalf of our customers though they also take frequent flyer miles and hotel points. If you have a suggestion for other organizations we should support, please contact us.

June 30, 2017 - Someone on our team recommended donating to Folds of Honor. So we sent $200. Folds of Honor provides educational scholarships for children and spouses of our fallen and disabled military servicemen and women. Seems appropriate as we head into the 4th of July weekend.

March 17, 2017 - Back to The Mission Continues. We donated $200 on behalf of our customers (and St. Patrick).

November 21, 2016 - This week has me thinking of all the things I'm thankful for. Serving in the Army changed my life and I'm eternally grateful. This afternoon we sent $200 to the Gary Sinise Foundation R.I.S.E program hoping to give back in some small way.

September 2, 2016 - I wanted to donate directly to my old unit within the 25th Infantry Division. In my mind's eye we could buy some sports equipment, a new grill, or anything the Sergeant Major thought would help morale and welfare. Turns out, that's hard to do. So I ended up sending $200 to the Hawaii MWR in hopes the funds end up putting a smile on a soldier's face.

May 20, 2016 - Memorial Day is right around the corner and this year we're donating to someone new - the Fallen Patriots Fund. They help pay to educate the children of military personnel who've been killed in the line of duty. A special thanks to our customers for making it possible for us to send $400 to this worthy cause. Happy Memorial Day!

February 26, 2016 - This morning I was reminded again of how lucky I am to have been born in this country. So we sent $200 to the Disabled American Veterans. Thank you active duty service members and veterans.

February 4, 2016 - Thanks for your support. We took the proceeds from referred sales and bought 5 Uncle Si Duck Calls benefitting the Lone Survivor Foundation and Luke's Wings. Send us an email if you want one of the five and we'll ship it to you for free. One per person - first five only (obviously).

November 18, 2015 - We sent $75 to Wreaths Across America. Thanks for the suggestion Luttrell family.

October 20, 2015 - We've never donated to the USO and I'm not sure why. I like what they do for soldiers - especially around the holidays. So we donated $150 this morning. Post the link above and we'll add 20% of any referred sale to the next donation.

August 14, 2015 - $100 to KCCO for a Hero. Thank you Caleb and Jenna. We're wishing you well.

July 3, 2015 - A special thank you to Kylie for helping us with our Military Support Program. This time we donated $150 to the Lone Survivor Foundation. We've donated to Marcus's foundation before but my Dad just finished his book and encouraged me to donate. Please use the link above to refer a friend.

April 14, 2015 - A special thank you to Mitchell and Jeffrey. Because of your orders, we donated $150 to an old reliable - the Wounded Warrior Project. Expect the next donation to occur around Memorial Day. Please use the link above to refer a friend.

January 22, 2015 - No referred sales to report but with American Sniper in movie theaters, I thought it appropriate to donate to the Chris Kyle Frog Foundation. So I sent $200 on behalf of our customers. As always, we'll donate 20% of any referred sale to veteran causes. See above for details.

November 6, 2014 - Not much to report. Regardless, I sent $100 to the Gary Sinise Foundation on behalf of our customers.

September 3, 2014 - New record! We had seven referred orders earning a $145.69 donation. I rounded it to $200 and sent it to the Disabled American Veterans this morning. Thank you Austin, Jordan, Chris, Meghan, Ashley, Jesse, and Ryan.

July 1, 2014 - Orders from Robert and Justin earned a donation of $19.61. I rounded it to $100 and donated to the Wounded Warrior Project. Thanks Robert and Justin and Happy Birthday USA!

May 2, 2014 - One of our customers (Lauren) suggested we donate to Building Homes for Heros so that's what we did. Orders from both Lauren and John earned a donation of $23.60 so I rounded it to $100 and sent it this afternoon. Thanks Lauren and John!

March 6, 2014 - Mic check. 1, 2... Does this work? We haven't had a referred sale in a while so please take a moment to post the link above. In the meantime, we donated $200 to the Lone Survivor Foundation today.

December 26, 2013 - We received a qualified order in November for a donation totaling $19. Thanks Ian! I rounded it up to $100 and donated to The Mission Continues. Looking forward to a more donations in 2014.

November 6, 2013 - I donated $100 to the Wounded Warrior Project and placed a link to our Military Support program on the home page. A classmate of mine is involved with The Mission Continues - another great organization serving veterans. I'll probably start donating there too.

October 22, 2013 - I changed the percentage to 20% of any referred order.

September 18, 2013 - There were no referral program sales since our last donation. Did we miss any? If you think so, please contact me so we can make it right. Regardless, I donated $50 to the Wounded Warrior Project. Please share the link above so together we can do more for our veterans.

August 6, 2013 - We made our first donation today. Orders from Glenn and Daniel earned a donation of $25.80. I rounded it up to $50 and sent the donation to the Wounded Warrior Project. Thanks Glenn and Daniel! Please share the link above so together we can do more for our veterans.